Stephen and Tania have been in and out of our outer acquaintance circle for some time, always knowing of them, but not really quite knowing them just yet. I guess that’s life in a small town. Just friendly faces to say hi to, really. …
Emma and Shanan met at church while they were in their teens. After some time their friendship grew into something more, I guess Shanan finally got the hint after several requests for him to give Emma some guitar lessons…
Turns out he’s a pretty groovy guitar player!…
Laura and Mark grew up in Motueka, a small town a little way out of Nelson. They were both the same age, with mutual friends, but neither of them remember ever meeting the other. That is, until they got set up. …
We were still on a high from Sam and Jane’s amazing wedding the day before and we had a couple of hours to kill before our plane left to take us back home. So what better way to pass the time than to go exploring in the big city with a bride and groom?…