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Rachel and Ryan – Married!

It wasn’t love at first sight, there were no stars or rainbows or unicorns, they just met by chance, fairly uneventfully, at a bar.  But as time passed Rachel and Ryan became friends.  At some point their friendship became more serious, although there was never really a conversation to start the ‘girlfriend/boyfriend’ official part of their relationship. …
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Nicole and Jason – Married!

If you’re wondering what kind of skills you need to find a husband, you might want to look at how you make burgers, because Nicole’s burger making skills certainly helped her secure Jason’s affections.  No doubt her flawless complexion, her winning smile and her friendly nature would have helped things along as well.…
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Alysia and Cam – Married!

You know those days when you just need a flatmate, and you’re not necessarily looking for your future bride?  Cam was having one of those days when Alysia walked through the door.  She fit the bill of flatmate perfectly, and that’s all they were for quite a long time. …