Take one beautiful Brittany, and one besotted Stephen, stir in some perfect weather and sprinkle with a generous smattering of happy guests and love, pop them into the perfect wedding day, have us photograph the results and BOOM – this video.…
They both swiped right. Johnny spotted the gorgeous woman first and then the black puppy she was holding in the picture. They were both adorable. They met online, and then in person, and it didn’t take long for the hours of talking to turn into dinner, friendship and then love and the start of a lifetime spent together.…
It wasn’t love at first sight. When you’ve been watching love stories as long as we have, you know that’s not entirely necessary anyway.
At first Jono thought that Aleisha seemed a tad frosty, and Aleisha wasn’t really Jono’s biggest fan either, even though she did notice his baby blue eyes and his infectious laugh when they first met. …
So much can happen in a decade, in one way it feels like ten years can go by so quickly, (especially when you’ve already got several decades under your belt!), but then when you look at how life has changed in those years you realise how significant they’ve been. …
There’s not usually anything romantic about Super Cheap Auto, but I guess it depends what day you go there. The day Mike went there was obviously the right one, because that’s where he met Leanne. If you were to design the perfect woman for Mike, it would be Leanne.…
The first time Dave laid eyes on Loren was on a hunting trip when they were 15. While there wasn’t any romantic notions between the two at the time, well not from Loren’s side anyway, their friendship grew from there. Turns out you can be friends with someone for a very long time before the penny drops. …
3,602 days. That’s how many days Niska has been in love with Luke. From the moment they met at a friends party all those years ago, his sparkly eyes and his cheeky grin have secured her affections and safely landed her into his arms on this, their wedding day.…