I adore you. Adore. It somehow seems more than to simply love someone. Perhaps that’s why Mitch uses that phrase to tell Elle how he feels about her. I adore you. So special, so perfect, that Elle even had it tattooed on her arm to remind herself of the fact.…
Take one highly organised yet beautifully relaxed bride, add one groom who just couldn’t stop smiling all day, throw in a pinch of perfect weather and a generous dash of happy and beautiful friends and family and you have one amazing wedding. …
21.12.12 – seems the world didn’t end after all. Which is a really good thing because otherwise I would not have been able to blog these images of two gorgeous people getting married! Thankfully I wasn’t the least bit worried by the Mayan’s muck up – unlike Y2K where I bought boxes of food. …
They went camping in Australia, just the two of them. It could have just been any old camping trip, but Peter had a plan. He told her to go sit up on that rock and be very quiet, she may just see a platypus. …