It was a secret, you know. No one back home knew, except for Sass the dog, and Katrina seemed pretty certain she wasn’t going to spill the beans. She was probably right.
It was an insanely spectacular day, the gorgeous weather was matched only by how amazing Katrina looked. …
I left Paul behind at the hospital on Sunday looking after Sam our son (yeah, I know, still haven’t blogged about that…) feeling a whoooole lotta weight and worry on my shoulders. It was good to go for a drive though, the weather was perfect and I turned the music up loud. …
Helen, Mark and I bonded early and we bonded well. One of the funnest (note: add funnest to dictionary) engagement shoots I’ve ever done and had me absolutely busting for March to hurry up and come so I could shoot their wedding.…
I shouldn’t have kept checking the weather forecast. I should have just left well enough alone. But I knew that Rochelle was desperately wanting beautiful weather, and so I was wanting that for her too. No matter how many times I hit the refresh key, Metservice just kept repeating the same story: “afternoon showers, chance thunder, southerlies”. …
Here we go – another Vendor interview! Old St Mary’s Convent is at the top of my list of favourite places to get married! Set amongst beautiful vineyards and amazing gardens, this beautiful old building is sooo photogenic. You can either have a garden wedding, or there’s a cute little chapel too.…
Man, I have a cool job. Like, a reeeeally cool job. I get to hang out with beautiful people, on one of the happiest days of their life. I get to stay with them, about five paces away, and just capture their day unfolding in front of them. …
I’ve never been one of the cool kids. Like, not even a little bit cool. I’m not even nerdy enough to be nerdy-cool. Nope. Somehow I’ve grown to be ok with that though. I married my honey 15 years ago and he’s equally as uncool as me (although bordering on nerdy-cool, perhaps).…
Yesterday I meet Stephen and Carissa for the first time. This is another couple I’ve only known from emails, as they’ve been living in the UK for several years. It was awesome to be able to go out with them in the evening and do some engagement shots. …
Justina and I have been emailing back and forth about her wedding since 2008 as they both live over in the UK. But it was only last week that I met her and Simon for the first time. As soon as they sat down in our little office to go over the wedding plans, I was hooked. …
Today we kick off a new blog series. I’m aware of how many engaged couples are looking around for good vendors here in Marlborough, so I’m going to make your life just a little bit easier! This will be a series of interviews with wedding providers, it’ll give you a bit more insight into who they are and what they do.…