It wasn’t love at first sight, there were no stars or rainbows or unicorns, they just met by chance, fairly uneventfully, at a bar. But as time passed Rachel and Ryan became friends. At some point their friendship became more serious, although there was never really a conversation to start the ‘girlfriend/boyfriend’ official part of their relationship. …
Pippa and Henry were married on a stunning Summer day on the family farm, surrounded by their loved ones, sunshine and beautiful happiness. And just as the sun set we stole them away for a few minutes, just the two of them. …
If you’re wondering what kind of skills you need to find a husband, you might want to look at how you make burgers, because Nicole’s burger making skills certainly helped her secure Jason’s affections. No doubt her flawless complexion, her winning smile and her friendly nature would have helped things along as well.…
Exactly who liked whom first is somewhat unclear, but it was definitely Kate with the help of some Dutch courage that made the first move for Mike. The handsome, friendly new guy at work with the killer accent was just as smitten, to be honest. …
Lisa and Brad knew each other before they were even born, that’s how far back they go. Their parents were close friends, and they were born only six weeks apart. Growing up so close in age meant there was always a little friend to share toys with, attend each other’s birthday parties and go on family holidays together. …
3,602 days. That’s how many days Niska has been in love with Luke. From the moment they met at a friends party all those years ago, his sparkly eyes and his cheeky grin have secured her affections and safely landed her into his arms on this, their wedding day.…
You know those days when you just need a flatmate, and you’re not necessarily looking for your future bride? Cam was having one of those days when Alysia walked through the door. She fit the bill of flatmate perfectly, and that’s all they were for quite a long time. …
Bob might not be a world famous poet, in fact, his poetry is possibly less than average on account of the fact that he doesn’t really do poetry, ever! But for Liz, on Boxing Day, in a tower overlooking Prague, he presented her with a poem. …
Tony walks into the room, it’s only an hour or so before their wedding, he pauses briefly when he sees his bride to be. Darnelle squeals, flings her hands in the air and exclaims how handsome he looks. So handsome. She’s not even in her wedding dress yet, and still he can’t hold back the tears.…
You could be forgiven for thinking that we only do big or fancy weddings. I bet you didn’t know that sometimes we also do secret weddings. Like REALLY secret weddings. Weddings so secret that no one even knows that the couple are engaged, let alone sneaking off to some amazing location to get married. …