Kat and Chris know how to have fun, and they sure do know how to plan a great wedding. Their special day was filled with so much laughter and fun, and their genuine happiness to get married to each other. Add to this some lovely soft light, happy guests and great shoes…
Gorgeousness. …
Every now and then I come across someone who is inspirational to me. Last night I stumbled across two such people – not literally, thankfully. Cute and friendly and fun, and totally into each other, Krissy and Brendon are everything you want in front of the camera.…
I love to photograph people. It might seem like a funny opening statement, but there you have it. I love it. I think what I like most about it is the surprised look on people’s faces when they see themselves on a photo that they actually like. …
She was the third child in a brood of seven that took the long trip from Holland to Australia to start a new life. It wasn’t too many years after they had settled in that baby number eight came along, another little sister (ME!) …
I woke up with a spring in my step on Saturday morning, WEDDING DAY! I knew that Lisa was going to be gorgeous, and that Mark was going to be the perfect, most adoring groom. I was right on both counts. …
I love the way they just lie there, doing nothing. I love how their little knees tuck up into their chest when you cuddle them. I love the smell (mostly…), I love the tiny noises, the way they just fall asleep for no good reason at all. …
She said she first noticed him at the gym, and although I did ask, neither would own up to who liked whom first. So I think the attraction was mutual, and here we are, four years later and they’re preparing for their wedding. …
Young, softly spoken and gorgeous. I met Jenna this afternoon, and we got on right away. She turns 21 soon, and so this photo shoot serves as a beautiful wee time capsule for both her and her family.
I saw the cherry orchard in bloom on the way to Jenna’s house. …
I am greeted by the most gorgeously decorated house, everything was perfectly in it’s place as Leanne glides down the hallway to greet me. You look amazing! I gasp, realising that she had a baby only the week before. She shows me to Kobe’s basinet as I peak down and gasp again. …
You can’t not like Paul and Julie. It’s just not possible. They’re young and cute and oh so in love. I have no idea how I am so often blessed with couples that just make me smile.
Sure, Facebook is responsible for a lot time wasting mindless games about farms or pets, moments of sheer frustration (no Mahumabidijam, I don’t know you!)…