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Vanessa, Shane and the gorgeous Tahlia

Vanessa and I were best friends as young teenagers.  We spent many a late night giggling, eating junk food and watching Anne of Green Gables.  We supported eachother through the spiral perm and swooned over New Kids On The Block, arguing about who was the spunkiest.

When I was 18 Vanessa moved away, and our lives took very different paths.  She travelled the world doing all sorts of fun and crazy stuff, while I stayed home, got married and had half a dozen kids.  A few years ago Vanessa found Shane, who is a super awesome guy and suits her down to the ground.  They got married and now have the most gorgeous little girl, Tahlia.

Last year while heavily pregnant we had a fun pregnancy shoot together – and I couldn’t wait to see what kind of perfect little person Shane and Vanessa would produce! 

This is Vanessa, and time has been kind to her as she still looks so young!

This is Shane.  Reeeeeeallly nice guy.

I love this:

Then last month Vanessa stopped by for dinner while they were holidaying here with her family.  We had planned to do a Mummy/Daughter photoshoot, but Tahlia wasn’t feeling 100%, and the weather was too windy and cold to take her out.  Not to worry, I did catch a few snaps of her while they were here. 

See?  What a cutie!

Check out the ponytail.  How cute is that!!

It was so awesome to catch up with you again!  Let’s hope next time you’re down this way we can do a nice big family session! 

Oh, and Vanessa, for the record, Joe was the spunkiest New Kid On The Block.  And you’ve got a LONG way to go to catch with me as far as the number of kids go!  I’m sure you can do it though… ready, set, GO!

2 thoughts on “Vanessa, Shane and the gorgeous Tahlia

  1. PS: I thought Joe was the cutest too. I wanted to marry him! hehe

  2. Hmmm. I thought you were a Jordan girl? Or was that me?! Oh dear, good thing neither of us got to marry any of them afterall 🙂
    How many times did we play the same music videos? Too funny!

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