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Annemiek & Robert – Music and Moodswings

She was the third child in a brood of seven that took the long trip from Holland to Australia to start a new life.  It wasn’t too many years after they had settled in that baby number eight came along, another little sister (ME!)  Annemiek loved that little critter from the start and would do as much of the mothering as she possibly could.  Soon after I came along, our family became a travelling music band, and although I hardly knew what was going on, I was most definitely the cutest.  (sorry guys, my blog, I can say whatever I want)

This was us performing in Amsterdam over 30 years ago.  I was the teeny tiny one there and Annemiek is the one on the far right (as well as two other sisters and my Mum).  These were the days when wearing matching clothes was hot, and you scored bonus points if they looked like curtains.


This is Annemiek now.  Married to Robert for the last 25 odd years, they’re great fun to be around.  They’ve been performing music together as long as I can remember, although always in Australia.  They’re such great entertainers.


Annemiek and Robert moved to Nelson six months ago when Mum was first diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease.  And they’ll be moving themselves and their music to Blenheim this Summer.  *cue little sister happy dance*


Robert is the most amazing guitarist.  And, as if that’s not enough, he does some fantastic art too.  Cartoony kind of stuff, with real personality.  He’s such a funny guy, the good kind of funny, not the strange kind.


They’ve called themselves MOODSWINGS, you can check them out at  Go on, have a look.  I think they’re pretty darn awesome!  There’s more of these photos there too, as well as sound clips.


Their kids have all grown up and left home now, so all they’ve got left is this little fella.



It’s allllll about the guitar.


Oh yes, not to forget Widdles, their dog.  They love this dog so much that they actually flew him over from Australia!  How’s that for true love?  I can’t really blame them, Widdles is a pretty nice little dog.


So if you’re around Blenheim this FRIDAY (29th) and SATURDAY (30th) evenings, Moodswings is performing at The Clubs of Marlborough.  Stop on by, it’ll be fun!  The more the merrier!

1 thought on “Annemiek & Robert – Music and Moodswings

  1. Thats a nice little write up..done by you Jessica Jones. I had not seen this..until now. 🙂

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