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Kerri and Jason – Married

From the moment I turned up to Locks and Lashes to when we left straight after the speeches, Kerri and Jason’s entire day was filled with happiness and so many opportunities to capture memories.  They had planned their Wedding Day so well that I simply can’t help but add far too many images for one blog post.  I’m supposing it’s a good problem to have!

This dress + these shoes.  Oh my word.  That’s when I knew it was going to be good.  Real good.


Not only does Deirdre always do such an amazing job, she’s also a really nice person.  And let’s face it, you want to surround yourself with nice on your wedding day! 


Kerri, you were a stunning stunning bride! 



Meanwhile Paul is with the guys as they prepare. 


I always have to giggle during the preparations for a wedding.  It seems everyone needs help to get dressed.  You can go for 30 odd years and be able to dress yourself every morning just fine, but come a Wedding Day you just need that extra bit of help.  I think it’s fab!


The garter that belonged to Kerri’s Mum.  I love it.  I love the squished flowers.  I love the bent ribbon.  I love that it seems like it’s made from shower cap material (as Kerri put it!)  I love that it’s dated and old fashioned.  It was her Mum’s and I just love it!


Kerri’s Dad is a Holden fan.  “Show Jess the watch!” She exclaims.  Jason is a Ford fan.  I’m pretty sure they’ve settled their differences.  Lucky.


Gorgeous flowers by Pink Poppie. 


The wedding ceremony was held in Kerri’s parent’s backyard.  The detail that went into the whole thing was fantastic!


The weather could not have been more perfect.  Kerri and Jason could not possibly have been happier to be married. 


Kerri has been counting down the days on Facebook.  This day has been so long in coming, it was truly a great celebration when it finally arrived!


This blackboard = awesome idea.


A lot of weddings are either a cute kid wedding, or a cute older person wedding.  Jason and Kerri’s wedding was both.


I want this Nana.  She spent the entire ceremony smiling.  I think it’s only fair that I get to take her home, perhaps as a wee reminder of a great day.



Then off for portraits.  I have to say that Kerri and Jason picked some fantastic locations.  Jason is a keen amateur photographer himself, so he knew what would make for great images.



Jason looked pretty dashing.


Kerri sure did seem to like him a lot!



We stopped in at French Fields which turned out to be a good move.  A really good move.


I always dance a little jig when a bride decides to have a veil.  Granted they are rather annoying to the bride on the day, I think the pain is totally worth it!



This is the first time I’ve actually shot here before, and I’m hoping it won’t be my last!  Everywhere you look there is a new spot to explore.  I love it a lot! 



The cars were amazing.  Of course they had to be, seeings Jason is such a huge Ford fan.  The red Mustang was from American Limousines and the yellow one belongs to Wayne, Jason’s best man.  They were gorgeous and shiny, which is how I can tell if a car is good enough.  The shine quality.  Paul seemed to be quite impressed by more than just the shine, he’s mentioned them several times since the wedding.  So clearly they are very cool cars!

Sadly, every time I see a Mustang, I immediately start singing Mustang Sally, and it sticks with me for the rest of the day.  Now you have it too, don’t you?  No need to thank me.


Then on our way back into town we stopped at this crossing as Jason was quite keen to get an Abbey Road shot.  What a great idea!  To get a similar angle Paul had to park the van in the middle of the road (which was thankfully a quiet One Way!) and stand on top of the van.  We got some great looks from the people in cars driving by!


Giant arrow pointing to the to-die-for red shoes.  Perfection.  Right there.  Another one of Paul’s shots.


The Convention Centre was gorgeously decorated. 


The bling.


The speeches were great, and well received by all!  I won’t repeat why Jason is holding a Neil Diamond DVD.


But Kerri’s parents know why by the look on their faces!



Cheers guys!  What an awesome day!  We were so thrilled to be part of it and witness two great people getting married.  Thanks for choosing us, we can’t wait to show you the rest!



Vendor Shoutout

Celebrant: Jenny Andrews

Hair & Makeup: Deirdre, Locks & Lashes

Flowers: Pink Poppie

Red Mustang: American Limousines

Reception Venue: The Convention Centre


5 thoughts on “Kerri and Jason – Married

  1. You talk so much about the perfection of every detail, every bride, every groom, every location. And you are SO right! But how about the perfection of every.single.photograph. You are amazing!!! Perfect colours, perfect emotions, perfect editing, perfect photographer in every way. Loooove it!

  2. Beautiful pics, guys! What a great wedding it was. Im sitting here at work blubbing away at your beautiful images and all the memories of the day these two FINALLY got hitched! xx

  3. Hi Kerri wow what wicked photos, great to have the photographer comments too. LOVE THE SHOES!!!!

  4. Wow! These are gorgeous … Kerri you are so beautiful, inside and out. Loved sharing this day with you and Jason! Can’t wait to see the rest of the photo’s, magic memories for always xox

  5. Kim sums it up perfectly! First time back on a computer..and what do I do?… I go to! 🙂 xx

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