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Mackinley – New Born Goodness

The first blog post about Mackinley was going to be his birth.  That was the plan.  Because remember how I LOVE to photograph births?  (remember Oliver?)  It’s quite possibly the most rewarding photography I can think of, and Tamara and Craig were super keen for birth photos as well.  So it was all settled, my hospital bag was packed and my phone off silent and by my bed.  But Mackinley had other plans.

Deep in the night last week Tamara felt the first twinges of labour, so far so good!  Then, things got very exciting very quickly.  A hurried dash to the hospital, and when they pulled up to the carpark it was too late to get Tamara inside.  So just like a movie, Craig sprinted inside to find someone to help. Moments later Mackinley made his grand entrance, right there, in the front seat of the car.  The entire labour was only one hour in total.  That’s a pretty epic 21st story for you there Mackinley!


So while I missed the labour entirely (and, honestly, how does one even photograph a car labour?!) I was blessed enough to be able to photograph him yesterday.  He was the perfect baby, and in absolutely no rush to go anywhere!



Tamara and Craig, thank you so much for letting us photograph your sweet bundle!  I can’t wait to see the beautiful boy he is going to become!

And so dear Internet, to that end, I have no birth photos to share with you.  This does leave me hankering to capture those moments – so if you are heavily pregnant and you’d love to have those first moments captured, please do email me!

1 thought on “Mackinley – New Born Goodness

  1. Our new Grandson is so beautiful.

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