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Oliver’s first moments

Best assignment ever. 

We’ve just come back from the most fun and relaxing holiday on the Gold Coast.  While we were there my brother and sister-in-law were due to have their baby.  Older blog followers will remember Roulf and Elisha from this shoot

I can’t even tell you how delighted I was to be part of the most amazing event, Oliver’s birth.  Being at a birth is a truly profound experience, which sounds like a kind of naff thing to say, but it really is indescribable!  The moments I witnessed and was able to capture for them really took my breath away.

Elisha was amazing, and Roulf was an ever present comforter.  Everything went just as it should, and Oliver Daniel was welcomed into the world by parents who absolutely adore him.



This moment, right here, is what makes everything worthwhile.  The first time you are handed your baby is goosebump educing, heart stoppingly beautiful.


Complete and utter love.  And they’ve only just met.  Love at first sight in its purest form.




Grandparents swooned immediately, just as good Grandparents do! 



Even with all the people around him, Oliver only had eyes for his Mumma. 


I left the happy family to bond and returned to do a newborn portrait session five days later.  Oliver was as perfect as ever.


I just want to kiss his little cheeks.  That’s actually part of the job description as an aunty.



Being this gorgeous is hard work, but someone has to do it.



Roulf and Elisha, words can’t even express how much I enjoyed capturing these images for you.  Enjoy your perfect bundle!

8 thoughts on “Oliver’s first moments

  1. Amazing Jessica! Just phenomenal!

  2. Wow lucky you Jessica being present at such a precious moment. Fabulous photos as always.

  3. The images of the first cuddle actually made me all teary! That feeling is the most magical feeling ever and you captured it so so beautifully x.

  4. Dear JessThese photos are extraordinary. It is the most beautiful series of birth photos and they are very moving. Whenever I get cyncial, sad or jaded I look at these photos. Thank you.

  5. WOW VERY close to tears, those first pictures of when mum sees Oliver are stunningly beautiful!

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