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It’s hard not to fall in love with ‘my’ families.  I say they’re ‘my’ family because I share such amazing experiences with them.  Take Ben and Alice, for example.  I watched them say I DO, a year later I stood and waited outside the labour room and photographed gorgeous little Otis as a fresh little new born.  With what seemed like only the blink of an eye Otis has just turned one, and I’m back with Ben and Alice and capturing the next step of their family life with a toddler.



Alice, you just stay as stunning as ever!  Being a mummy sure does suit you!




Otis has got to be the handsomest little one year old you’ve ever seen.  Anyone who can rock a double chin like this is pretty epic!


Alice and Ben, you really do have a fantastic family.  I’m loving watching you all grow together!

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