They left the feezingest of colds to join us for our summer for a little while. And when I say cold, I’m meaning Boston freeze-your-insides, double digits NEGATIVE numbers kind of cold. Thankfully we’ve put on some pretty splendid weather for the Sampson family while they were here (and some average stuff too, but let’s focus on the positive here….)
Even with a touch of jetlag, these little people stayed up past their bedtime to come out to play. Those with a keen eye will recognise this gorgeous family from Emily and Kohen’s wedding. Madeleine was that splendid little flower girl that made you go ‘oohhhhhh’ with that little flower crown.
Kaitlin and Chris, I’m so thrilled that you took an evening out of your holiday to come and get some photos done. You guys are the bomb, and I’m so pleased to have gotten to know you!