It was the office Christmas party, and fuelled with a little Dutch courage Margie made her move on the softly spoken Scotsman. It was obvious that Alan liked her back, but as he was about to leave the country he wasn’t ready to settle down into a long term, long distance relationship. However, it did prove tricky for Alan to stay away from the pretty Kiwi girl. So after several on-again, off-again moments, Alan and Margie finally admitted that they simply couldn’t live without each other and settled down in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Margie and Alan made things even more official on Saturday, at Marlborough Vintners Hotel, by becoming husband and wife in front of some of their closest friends and family. Come on in and I’ll show you just how it all went!
Margie is not just a pretty face, you know. She’s also incredibly talented. See the flowers here? She made them from coloured maps. You’ve got to be a special kind of awesome to be able to actually pull something like this off! You’ll see the theme of travel through the wedding, as being from opposite sides of the planet it’s a pretty major part of both Margie and Alan’s life.
I love how Margie had engraved necklaces made for each of the bridesmaids.
This was the moment when 8 year old Zoe was excitedly showing everyone her ‘high heels’. Nana sat and watched the excitement around her, just drinking it all in.
Anyone who spends any time on our blog knows how warmly I love Grandparents at a wedding. There’s just something special about them being there, witnessing the onward march of succeeding generations building their lives together. Margie’s Nana is super special to Margie, and although I was told she ‘didn’t like having her photo taken’, she turned out to be the star in some of my favourite images of the day. She told me of her own wedding dress, all those years ago. It was white lace, with pearl buttons, she said it was like the bride’s uniform back in those days, and it was almost always the same style.
Grandad’s war medal was to be pinned inside Margie’s dress, to keep it close to her all day.
Margie, you are an utterly stunning bride! And the fact that you chose a PINK wedding dress, made me do a happy dance using both my arms AND legs.
Meanwhile, Paul was with the boys as they donned their kilts and got ready for the wedding.
Alan’s Dad, Tammer, was given these cufflinks and this watch when he retired, amazingly the cufflinks are Paua from New Zealand. Little did he know that they would be used years later by his son on his wedding day in New Zealand. I love how Alan and Margie honoured those who are no longer with us, it’s abundantly clear they live on in their hearts.
There is so much Margie loves about Alan, the way he makes her feel special in small ways through the day and making sure he says “I love you” every day. After having already spent years together, there’s still always something to talk about. Alan is caring and knows the value of keeping relationships strong. Margie, you’ve got yourself a real catch there!
This Scottish poem, entitled ‘Peggy’, was included into the ceremony and read by Alan’s sister Sheena who came all the way from Scotland (with her fabulous accent!)
“….But Peggy dear, the evening’s clear,
Thick flies the skimming swallow;
The sky is blue, the fields in view,
All fading-green and yellow:
Come let us stray our gladsome way,
And view the charms of nature;
The rustling corn, the fruited thorn,
And every happy creature.
We’ll gently walk, and sweetly talk,
Till the silent moon shine clearly;
I’ll grasp thy waist, and, fondly prest,
Swear how I love thee dearly:
Not vernal show’rs to budding flow’rs,
Not autumn to the farmer,
So dear can be as thou to me,
My fair, my lovely charmer!”
It wouldn’t be right for a wedding with such a Scottish influence not to contain Haggis. Not only did it contain Haggis, but it also contained the Scottish men who presented the Haggis to the guests, complete with the poem “Address To Haggis”.
“Fair fa’ your honest, sonsie face,
Great chieftain o the puddin’-race!
Aboon them a’ ye tak your place,
Painch, tripe, or thairm:
Weel are ye worthy o’ a grace
As lang’s my arm.
The groaning trencher there ye fill,
Your hurdies like a distant hill,
Your pin wad help to mend a mill
In time o need,
While thro your pores the dews distil
Like amber bead…”
I loved the passion these gentlemen had for Haggis. I wanted to share in their joy of the Haggis, and they were so keen for me to try it they even promised, tongue in cheek, that it was ok for vegans (It’s not safe for vegans, nor am I a vegan, just for the record!) Try as they may, I just couldn’t do it. Part of me is disappointed in myself for not giving it a go, the other part is giving myself a pat on the back after I came home and googled exactly what was in it.
If I suddenly could come up with a few extra hours in my day, I’d love to study how to become one of those people who can nail every accent on the planet. I love the Scottish accent. Alan’s family speak a special dialect called ‘Doric’. Even though, apparently, they are speaking English, it sounds like something very different. If I were to say that Alan was ‘Head over heels’ for Margie, I’d say he’s Heister gowdie. A partner, or a live-in lover is called a Bidey-in. And ‘married’ is Mairriet. For something totally unrelated, ‘fingerless gloves’ are Hummel doddies. Seriously, this could become somewhat of an obsession for me!
A woman, particularly an older woman, is called a Wifie. It’s certainly not Margie’s favourite Doric term, but for Alan, she said, she’d happily grow old with him and for them to become an ‘Old Manie’ and an ‘Old Wifie’.
We headed off to Clos Henri as the sun was setting and made the most of the gorgeous surroundings!
Thanks go to the fabulous bridal party who smiled through the chilly Autumn air.
Margie and Alan are perfectly suited to each other, what Margie brings in boldness and humour, Alan compliments in his quiet gentle way.
It was at the Queen’s View, in Scotland, that Alan asked Margie to be his wife. They had escaped to a big old hotel on the hill for the weekend, and took a walk amongst the amazing scenery. They had previously discussed getting an engagement ring made especially for Margie, so I guess Alan had a pretty good idea that the answer to his proposal was going to be a resounding YES. What Margie wasn’t prepared for, however, was the fact that Alan had a ring to propose with. Not just any ring. A replica of ‘THE RING’, from Lord of the Rings on a chain. It wasn’t pretty, of course, it was just a placeholder and perfect for a giggle.
Then back to Marlborough Vintners Hotel to finish off the evening with family and friends.
Gorgeous cake by Melissa Rae. Complete with highland cows!
Margie and Alan, thank you for your fabulous wedding. Thank you for the pink dress, the cute kids and for Nana. Thank you for loving each other so well and deciding to get married! We wish you many happy years and may you be a happy ‘manie’ and a happy ‘wifie’.
Vendor Shoutout
Celebrant: Yvonne Dasler
Ceremony and Reception Location: Marlborough Vintners Hotel
Hair: Tracey from Vogue
Makeup: Nitespa
Dress: Allure, Simply Exquisite, Edinburgh
Kilts: New Zealand Kilt Company
Cake: Melissa Rae, Sweet Creations
Music: Matt Flight, BPM Disco
Fabulous photos. So gorgeous!
Hi Margie and Alan, to be totally honest, I had tears in my eyes when I saw your lovely pictures and read the undertitles…. it reminded me on pictures I saw from my mums and dads marriage back in 1950 in Lancashire….. you are such a lovely couple and your pics are just fantastic, I wish you guys all the very best for your future way together!! With honour and respect, Peter Klabes