The first time Dave laid eyes on Loren was on a hunting trip when they were 15. While there wasn’t any romantic notions between the two at the time, well not from Loren’s side anyway, their friendship grew from there. Turns out you can be friends with someone for a very long time before the penny drops. Fast forward 10 years, and Dave has just cooked Loren a delicious roast meal and the two are sitting on the couch. That was the very moment that Loren knew that she had fallen in love with Dave. All it took was 10 years and a roast to win over the beautiful girl. Well done Dave!
Since that winning roast meal, Dave and Loren’s relationship has certainly blossomed, adding to it two adorable children. Meet Rosie and Louie.
This bible is not just Loren’s something old, it is so much more than that. It was passed down to Leanne, Loren’s Mum before her wedding. It had belonged to her parents and it meant she had a little piece of her Father with her, as he had passed away when she was little. This little bible is truly something to treasure for a lifetime.
Meanwhile, Paul is with the boys. You know they are an organised lot when you see the shoes liked up so beautifully!
You’re not going to find more blokey blokes than these ones. And being into all things blokey, it was absolutely fitting to have two ever-so-manly Land Rovers as wedding cars!
Back with the girls now, and these ladies really took bridesmaiding to the next level. Not only getting the little ones dressed, but I even spotted one changing a dirty nappy! And they didn’t stop smiling all day. If there was a bridesmaid award, I think you guys would have it!
Loren is dropdead gorgeous, even a blind man could see that. But there’s so much more than just her beauty that Dave’s in love with, like the fact that she’s a fabulous mother, loyal to a fault, loving and hard working.
Loren’s Mum and Dad were also married in Nativity church, back in the day. Leanne told me just how much she loved these stained glass windows, they sure are gorgeous!
You can never count on kids to behave like grownups, it’s just not in their nature – especially at weddings! Turns out both Rosie and Louie totally blew that theory out of the water. They walked down the aisle like angels and then sat quietly during the entire service!
Dave was utterly stoked with his gorgeous bride, that’s for sure!
Loren loves Dave, really, really loves him. She told me she loves his honesty, how loving and hard working he is and she loves how he makes her laugh.
We couldn’t let the opportunity by without a traditional photo in front of the stained glass, just like Mum and Dad’s!
Then we were off to a beautiful old farm just out of town. There we met a goat who took quite a fancy to the bouquets.
There was no lacking in bouquet eating enthusiasm, and she was quite happy to chase us for a nibble.
And then there was that awkward moment when your rope stops you from joining the bridal party, and you can only look longingly as the delicious flowers move further and further away from your reach.
Autumn! OH how I love thee! If I could choose one season to photograph in for the rest of my days, it would be this one. Every year I wax lyrical over Autumn, I know. It’s just with the colour and the quality of the light, you just can’t beat it!
Look at all of this fabulous bridesmaiding!
Gorgeous florals by Rebecca from Forget Me Not Designs.
Did you already spot the bullet casing buttonhole? That’s one great way to make flowers just a little bit more blokey, especially for someone who’s all about hunting!
Gorgeous Loren!
We were able to pop inside the old homestead in order to make the most of the fabulous staircase. Word on the street is that this house is over 100 years old.
Just as the sun ducked behind the hills we reunited with the guests at the reception. You’ll note a few more nods to hunting.
These have got to be the cutest bouncers I’ve ever seen, hands down.
Dave and Loren, Rosie and Louie, thank you for including us in your fabulous day. We wish you all much happiness and laughter for many years to come.
Vendor Shoutout
Celebrant: Jonathan Wasley
Ceremony: Nativity Church
Reception Location: Renwick Hall
Hair: Rachel Gibbons, Transform Occasion Hair
Makeup: Grace Simpson
Flowers: Forget Me Not Design
Dress: Wilkins Formal Ware
Cake: Karen Folk
Catering: Roast On The Run
Music: Don’t Frett
Reception Hire: Got It Covered
These are awesome photos. You have captured the essence of the David and Loren’s very authentic wedding. The story they tell mirrors the enjoyment of everyone present and the fun we had all day and well into the night. Congratulations and thank you.
Fantastic photos for a fantastic couple on a fantastic day
Wow! The pictures look like they captured a perfect day. Gutted we couldn’t be there to share it with you guys.
Thank you Loren and David it was so lovely to share your special day. Such a lovely wedding and our wee great grandies were just perfect. Lots of Love and every happiness for your future together. Gg and Poppa Pete.xx