The ring had been sitting in a sock draw for months, just waiting for the right moment to help Shane pop the question. Month after month passed and the perfect moment hadn’t yet eventuated, and so the gorgeous sapphire and diamond ring waited quietly with the socks. Gemma and Shane’s relationship was definitely ready for the ‘next step’, after meeting through mutual friends years before, then given a gentle nudge by Shane’s Aunties at a party, becoming friends and finally falling madly in love. The two had grown fond enough of each other to move towns and buy a house together.
When the day finally arrived, Gemma and Shane were in Goa, India. The ring was still at home, but now it was no longer in the sock draw, it was in a bag being looked after by Shane’s brother, who was completely in the dark about the ring silently waiting for it’s time to shine. Shane, not being the slightest bit deterred about the lack of engagement ring, bought a place holder ring while in India, woke Gemma up early one morning, and asked her to marry him. Without a single hesitation, Gemma said yes. Which brings us to the reason this collection of images even exists. Gemma and Shane were married at Old St Mary’s Convent on Saturday, complete with the long suffering, ever patient, engagement ring. The day was nothing short of perfect. Gorgeous, happy people. Oh, and it’s Autumn. In case you’re wondering, I do so very much love Autumn.
When the day starts with sparkly shoes like this, you know it’s going to be a good one.
This is Gus. Gus seemed completely uninterested in the whole bridal prep thing. He just lay in his basket and minded his own business. Well, that’s what I thought.
Turns out Gus saw the veil on the chair. Gus liked the look of the veil on the chair and decided to investigate further.
Naughty, naughty Gus.
Thankfully Gus, while still making sure he had a good time, remained gentle on the veil and all was well with the world.
Gemma is the sort of lass you just want to spend time with. Beautiful, yes. Funny, absolutely and sweet as a cupcake.
Thanks to Nina from Pink Poppie for making my Autumn just that little bit more special. A big yes to colour!
This is Sparkly. Gemma is a school teacher, and each night Sparkly gets to go home with someone in the class. They write stories about him and take pictures of the things they’ve done together. I would hazard a guess that this is the first time Sparkly found himself at a wedding!
While Emily and I were making the most of the prettiness at Gemma’s place, Paul was hanging with Shane and the crew, who clearly were perfectly relaxed before the wedding!
Gemma and Shane wanted to do things a little bit differently. One of Shane’s close friends just happens to be a girl, so why couldn’t Emma be over on Shane’s side of the bridal party? No reason, really.
Having the wedding at Old St Mary’s Convent is not only special because it’s an AMAZING place, but Gemma’s parents were actually married in that little church while it was still out at Grovetown.
Fantails are so nosey around here!
Wedding time!
Beautiful Gemma!
Look at how much he adores her.
In case you’ve missed it thus far, Gemma also has bucked tradition and added in a ‘bridesman’, Glen, to her bridal party. Why not!
And don’t they look like a spunky bunch!
Now in case I haven’t yet made this abundantly clear, weddings in Autumn are just the bees knees. I’ve said it for years now, and it seems like people are starting to believe me. The weather is cooler. The light is infinitely kinder (read:makes you more photogenic). The colours are to die for. Men are comfortable in their suits and the women don’t sweat off their makeup. Sunset is earlier and so the prettiest time of the day is actually while you’re away having your wedding photos done.
Autumn Wedding = Win.
Gemma’s students are about 5 and 6 years old. When she told them she was getting married, they wondered who she might be getting married to. When she told them she had someone in mind, in fact, it was her boyfriend, they all went “Ooooooooouuuuu!” (think mass little girl, ‘you’ve got a boyfriend’ type sound).
So you may have heard the rumour that Old St Mary’s Convent is no longer. Well, you heard right. The sad news is that it has been sold. The happy news is that it will continue on as a wedding venue – HORRAY! What was Old St Mary’s Convent, will now become The Marlborough Lodge. So all is well with the world.
Gemma and Shane are so perfect for each other. Gemma is full of life, friendliness and general nice-to-be-aroundness. Shane is quieter, considerate, kind and utterly adoring of his new wife.
A quick shot of Poppa’s car before it gets put to bed for the night.
After the portraits were done, we all headed over to the Rangitane Centre. The evening was filled with laughter, tears and dancing. Apparently there was lots and lots of dancing.
Gemma and Shane, thank you guys for having us capture your gorgeous day. Thank you for thinking the cat-in-the-veil incident was brilliant enough to call me in for, before carefully removing the cat from the veil. Gemma, that just proves how super cool you really are. Thanks for loving each other loads, and for organising such a fantastic day.
Vendor Shoutout
Ceremony Venue: Old St Mary’s Convent (now The Marlborough Lodge)
Celebrant: Carol Taylor
Flowers: Nina, Pink Poppie Designer Florist
Hair & Makeup: Locks & Lashes
Dress: Paperswan Bride
Girls Dresses: Swonderful
Suits: Major Tomms, Wellington
Catering: Posh Nosh
Cake: Granny’s Sweet Tooth
Reception Venue: Rangitane Conference Centre
Hire: Got It Covered, and The Pretty Prop Shop
Invitations and Menus: Sunny and Swoon
What delightful photos of Gemma & Shane- yes! i loved the cat-veil pics too! Autumnal colours looked spectacular- great backdrop for two beautiful people, obviously very much in love!!