Sam and Matt’s story proves there can be life after loss. A beautiful love story of two people who had known each other for some years, but not really noticed each other until that accountancy seminar a couple of years ago. Who said accountancy was boring? Sam was both beautiful and easy to talk to, and Matt was smitten. Love blossomed and Matt was ever so keen to spend the rest of his life with Sam.
“Being able to call you my wife is a privilege and an honour, which I will never tire of.” If that was all Matt said the entire day, he would have still won. But there was more, so much more. Just watching Sam and Matt get married on Saturday at Old St Mary’s Convent was enough to warm any heart, and by the end of the day mine was as full as it could be.
Sam’s mum stitched this into her dress as a special reminder. Also, tucked away in your wedding dress is a good place to keep your anniversary date, in case you ever need it in a hurry…
This here is Sam’s Great, Great Grandmother’s Rose of York broach. She was famous for wearing it every Sunday, with her Sunday best.
Special moments with her daughter Kiara. Kiara is like a little ray of sunshine, I can see why Sam chose her as bridesmaid. She did a pretty spiffy job as bridesmaid too, even if this was her first wedding!
Jake, Sam’s son, came all the way over from Scotland especially for the wedding. That’s love for you. I dare say he didn’t mind swapping seasons for a few days either.
Sam bought this special pocket square from France, and stitched these beautiful words.
Sam and Matt wanted to see each other before the ceremony, so we arranged a first look on the balcony of Old St Mary’s Convent before all of the guests arrived.
And the ceremony begins.
How stunning a bride is Sam? Utterly perfect.
This beautiful table and chair belonged to Sam’s Great Grandfather, and and has made the journey, like other guests, all the way from Yorkshire in England. Nothing like a bit of family heritage to join in on the celebrations!
Check out this AMAZING little Humber. Now, I know almost zero about cars, but I know that THIS is a cool one. Matt actually races this car and told me all about it. Most of the details went over my head (although they sounded very impressive at the time), I do remember him saying it runs on plane fuel!
The thing about falling in love with someone, is that you sort of become someone new. I don’t mean that the old you is gone, it’s more like, well, you’re you PLUS you have more added to your life. You see, before Matt, Sam had no interest in things of the sea. Now, with Matt, she has learned to love sailing and diving. Matt has absolutely added adventure to Sam’s life. Love and adventure. See? Perfect.
The beautiful thing about the connection that Sam and Matt have with each other is that these gorgeous moments of connection we have captured would have happened, whether we pointed a camera at them or not. This is absolutely who they are together.
Hello beautiful reflection!
Just in case you were wondering, yes, this is Nina’s amazing design.
Every mother and daughter need to be able to nail a solid pout pose together. Good to see they’ve got that under control.
See those hanging leafy chandeliers? That was Pink Poppie too. Oh, and if you’re looking for someone with some amazing furniture and general awesome stuff, go talk to Paula from Vintage Events. She has pretty things to make you swoon!
Naked cakes are seriously popular right now. While I’m sure it might look effortless, this kind of creation is anything but! Beautifully put together by Melissa from Sweet Creations.
Gorgeous food by Posh Nosh.
Oh, and check out the personalised beer, brewed especially for the wedding by Dave, the best man!
We only have a few weeks left of these balmy beautiful evenings, so pleased to be making the most of them!
Sam and Matt, thank you for finding each other, falling in love and putting on this AMAZING wedding! Thank you also for that amazing evening we spent doing the pre-wedding shoot on your yacht. Like, seriously, that was crazy fun.
Vendor Shoutout
Venue: Old St Mary’s Convent