Caroline and Simon’s story started in a bar in Scotland, over 5 years ago. It was late at night, like, really late. Caroline’s friend told her she should go and dance with that tall Scotsman over there. Fuelled with a bit of Dutch courage, she approached Simon, having no idea that the man in front of her was the very man she would be spending the rest of her life with. Life is funny like that. Sometimes the most seemingly insignificant moments can actually be life changing.
Simon was smitten pretty early on. This Kiwi girl was smart and funny and her smile lit up his life. Somehow, even though from opposite sides of the planet, Caroline and Simon had found their perfect match. On Saturday they started their lives together as husband and wife, promising to spend every tomorrow loving each other and supporting the other’s country’s rugby team – well, maybe only sort of supporting the other’s rugby team…
Caroline and the girls got ready at Locks and Lashes. They spent the entire morning being pampered and thoroughly loving every minute of it!
Caroline’s flowers were by Bronwyn Hayes. They were beautiful and she loved them a whole lot. So much, in fact, that she told me several times during the day how very much she adored the flowers. I can’t say I blame her, they were pretty stunning!
This moment, right here, was one of Caroline’s favourites of the day. As her Dad came to pick her up to take her to her wedding, he had to do a double take. Leaning forward, squinting and smiling broadly, he exclaimed just how VERY beautiful Caroline was.
He walked towards her and hugged her, smiling, he walked away, scratching his head. He turned around again, leaned forward and laughed, exclaiming again about how very beautiful she looked. Proudest Dad reaction. Ever.
And boy did she look beautiful. She really, really did. You see, I think Caroline is more used to spending time in the paddock with her beloved horses, than being shrouded with lace, makeup and flowers. Perhaps after rocking the glamorous so well, we might see you in front of the camera more often, Caroline?!
Meanwhile, Paul is with the boys getting ready at Caroline’s Dad’s farm where the wedding ceremony will be held.
I love Simon. Not only because he’s a great guy, but also because I love listening to him speak. Being Scottish means you have me hanging on every word.
I’m also loving the rehearsal of the moment Tom needs to be ready with the hanky.
Simon’s family travelled from Scotland, this meant Simon had his loved ones near, and I had more accents to listen out for!
Another glorious sunny Marlborough day.
They could barely keep their eyes off each other!
Caroline’s Dad’s property has just about every species of Blue Gum Tree out there. And they are very cool indeed. When we were doing a bit of a scout around the property, a week or so before the wedding, we spotted these trees and casually mentioned how they would be the PERFECT spot for a wedding ceremony.
Thanks to Jacqui Leslie who did a fabulous job, once again, of writing a beautiful ceremony for Caroline and Simon.
You could spend a fair bit of time looking at this image. Caroline and Simon’s guests played along beautifully!
When I asked Caroline how married life was treating her a day or two after the wedding, she replied that “Married life is bloody brilliant. Absolutely bloody brilliant.” And you know what? That sums Caroline up to a tee. She’s cute and fun and OH SO enthusiastic about being married to Simon!
Excuse me while I gush again about the Blue Gums.
Caroline was keen to get some shots with their ‘babies’ before we headed to town for the reception.
How’s this for a pretty epic family photo?
“You’re such a good boy, such a goooooood boy,” Caroline was saying to her young horse, in loving and hushed tones.
Meanwhile, “You’re not a good boy,” is the conversation I heard going on between Simon and his baby.
The babies have been separated from each other. I hadn’t gotten around to asking why, but then noticed a bit of biting going on even over the electric wire (ahem, by the ‘not a good boy’ horse, no less!)
And yet, only a matter of a minute or two later, they’re both standing there, grooming each other like they’ve been BFFs forever! I’ll be the first to admit that I have NO idea about horsey behaviour at all! Still, they made me giggle a lot.
Leaving the babies to work out their differences, we headed to Allan Scott where the guests had just arrived and were getting started with their celebrations.
“I promise not to laugh when Scotland lose the rugby or get cross when you fall off your bike
We will grow old together, and be more in love than we are today.” Caroline
“I promise to love you unconditionally through all of our adventures in life together.
I promise to always listen to your pony stories and happily support the All Blacks” Simon
Let the laughter and speeches begin!
I loved the toast for the youngest and oldest attending the wedding. Caroline’s Nana had just turned 90 only days before the wedding, and found herself somewhat of a reluctant VIP!
Caroline and Simon, you guys are great. Thanks for your unending enthusiasm, and outright happiness. Thanks for agreeing to sit on the ground in your kilt Simon, even though it proved rather challenging! Thanks Caroline for really revelling in every single happy moment. We were over the moon to be part of your day!
Vendor Shoutout
Celebrant: Jacqui Leslie
Flowers: Bronwyn Hayes
Hair & Makeup: Locks & Lashes
Dress: Essence of Australia
Kilt: Haddo Highland Wear
Cake: Sweet Creations
Reception & Catering: Allan Scott
Music: A Minor Thing