You can’t help but feel blessed when you’re part of a day as special and beautiful as Steve and Ruth’s wedding. For pretty well their entire relationship they’ve been living in different towns and making their long distance relationship work. Every visit would see Steve add another charm to Ruth’s bracelet, and every visit would be one visit closer to the day they would marry and finally be together.
This day has been anticipated for so long, so excitedly planned for and every day was counted until the wedding day finally arrived.
Both Steve and Ruth come from strong, loving families. Ruth grew up on the mission field with her parents and three siblings and Steve grew up on a farm surrounded by a God loving family. Both full of old school morals and a drive to honour God in everything they do.
And Ruth, full of a love of all things purple.
This was the moment that Callum, Ruth’s dad, saw her as a bride for the first time, flanked by her sisters. I don’t think I was the only one with slightly moist eyes.
And Dad was suitably impressed.
Lovin’ Ruth’s purple shoes.
And Dad’s purple socks to match!
I always love seeing what photos are displayed at the home. There’s always so much history to pore over!
Meanwhile Steve is making sure Kevin has a safe grip on the rings!
Last minute adjustments from Steve’s Mum and we’re ready to get married!
And Dad is ready to give his daughter away to the man who will love and cherish her for the rest of her life. While I’m not (nor will ever be!) a Dad in this situation, I imagine it would be both a very happy and very emotional moment at the same time.
I’m not sure I’ve ever had a groom QUITE this outwardly excited to see his bride.
Steve’s Dad, Ken, took the service and officiated the marriage. That’s something pretty special for a Dad to do!
Ken also built this special bench seat for the couple out of wood from their old church.
Grace, Ruth’s Mum, as proud as a Mum could possibly be.
It seems there is an army of friends and family also pretty stoked that these guys are finally married!
Steve, who loves to surprise, had the words “Hey Ruth I *heart* you” stitched into the inside of his waistcoat. Also being somewhat sentimental, he used material from old Kiwi Ranch mattress covers. That’s one way to upcycle!
There were big plans for a helicopter ride over to the Nelson Lighthouse, but the blustery day put that idea to bed. While obviously somewhat disappointed to miss out on the adventure, it did mean we had even more time to play during our portraits time. Good thing this was a playful bunch and we made the most of the opportunity!
It’s always an interesting experience lying in the foetal position while six people tower over me. Interesting for both me and them!
Sometimes you don’t necessarily need to see people’s faces in all of the images, do you?
Look at this gorgeous looking bunch!
Ruth, you are the perfect bride! Sweet, young and absolutely beautiful!
While the weather started to pack it in, we found shelter at Brayshaw Park.
Waiting for the train to arrive can be somewhat tiresome. Especially when there’s not actually a train arriving at any stage soon. Or any time this year. At least they all look cute waiting.
The guys seemed pretty keen on claiming the old tractor to support their ‘noble’ poses. And who can blame them? The tractor and the ‘noble pose’ works.
Then, before we finally headed to the reception, we snuck off to the riverbank for a few final romantic shots.
Steve does romantic real well.
Then off to the reception where there plenty more giggles to be had!
Here’s the proof of the epic proposal from a float plane at Kiwi Ranch, where they first met and became friends. The words ‘MARRY ME?’ created by dozens of Kiwi Ranch Leaders and campers lying on the grass (two of our daughters included!)
Wedding rings on the ornament that Ruth has had since she was five years old.
Steve’s infectious smile seen here in Alison, his Mum.
More Kiwi Ranch details on the tables.
Then came the top story of the night. The story of the bear simply known as ‘Teddy’. The bear that was so well loved during Steve’s childhood that he’s had to have his head stitched on and his face rearranged several times, until it got to the point where the love bestowed on this simple Teddy has made him somewhat frightening looking. Steve’s Dad presented Teddy to Ruth as an example of how thoroughly Steve loves.
That’s one best-loved bear!
One more opportunity to show their fun side before they headed away to start their lives together as a married couple. The waiting is finally over and their new life begins!
Steve and Ruth you guys are an inspiration to young people everywhere, I’m not even your Mum but I’m still as proud as can be! We’re so grateful to have been part of your beautiful day! We wish you guys all of the happiness in the world, and look forward to hearing all about the adventures life holds for you both!
Vendor Shoutout
Flowers: Bronwyn, Flowertime on Scott St
Hair: Tracey, Bride Beautiful (Mobile Hair Specialist) – 577 7414
Dress: To Cherish Bridal Boutique, Christchurch
Catering: Rick & Nairn, Event Rent and Catering
Baking: Sam Beavis, Special Occasion Baking – 572 9900
Music: Daniel Hitchens
Potted Plants: Bruce, Devon Nursery – 578 6522
I’m honoured to be part of the guest shots 🙂 fabulous photos! Lovely couple and classy wedding party. Loved the tractor-themed noble poses, very manly..