The weather was perfect, just a touch overcast and chilly enough to let you know that you’re alive. The wedding was even more perfect, it was absolutely chocka block full of family and friends. But that is to be expected when you’re the oldest daughter of 10 children! We’ve known Jesika’s family for over 20 years, mostly just in passing, so being able to spend the day with them and share in this amazing and emotionally charged day was very special indeed!
When Evan and Jesika sat in our office a year ago, almost to the day, we discussed the wedding and how much fun we were all going to have. I got to see a bit of Evan’s cheeky side and how much they really do adore each other. We talked about how the family would all be together and how important that photo was going to be, especially as Jesika and Evan live over the ditch in Australia.
What we didn’t know was that six months later Tim, Jesika’s dad, would pass away in a car accident. Every young girl dreams about their wedding and having their Dad walk them down the aisle and so leading up to the wedding we all knew how very keenly Tim was going to be missed. And he was. But Raewyn, Jesika’s Mum, was incredible. A pillar of strength for the family, and ready with a beautiful smile for all. Plus, she knew something that most people had no idea about. A twist that would be announced much later in the day… (you’re going to want to keep your eye out for that one!)
Jesika’s dress was made by Elizabeth Wenborn who is also a friend. Such gorgeous detail and it suited Jesika absolutely perfectly!
Evan and Jesika decided to see each other before the wedding and spend a few hours doing the photos so that they could spend the rest of the time with their friends and family. We love doing the wedding portraits before the ceremony when we have over THREE HOURS to play!
You’ve got to love those nervous few moments before they see each other!
Evan is South African and Jesika was keen to have their theme flower as the Protea. This tiny one on the buttonhole is known as the ‘blushing bride’.
Amazing flowers by Bluebell Florist in Richmond.
Having the wedding in Nelson meant that we could explore some places that we’ve never photographed before. The beach is a big part of who Jesika is as she grew up on a farm way out in the beautiful Marlborough Sounds.
The bridal party were absolutely up for anything, and ‘fun photos’ were most definitely on the wish list.
How’s this for a good looking bunch?
It was time for me to assume the foetal position and have the bridal party looking down on me. I’m not sure, but I think these faces came out when I told them to pretend I was a cute little baby. Perhaps I’m not as cute as I initially thought!
Cool as a cucumber!
Jesika you are an absolutely stunning bride!
Evan and Jesika really knew how to work the camera!
Evan has the funniest and cheekiest sense of humour!
I love me some SPRING! We managed to escape winter for quite a few weeks, and coming home to the blossoms has been such a treat! Keep a look out on the blog because Spring will be featuring some more before it gives way to Summer!
Evan, you are a cool cool guy. Rockin’ the circle, you are!
To shake things up completely, and because we had such a fantastic amount of time to play with, we headed to the centre of Nelson. These guys are so hot they stopped traffic. Literally!
Inside Cafe Affair and the light was just gorgeous! Thanks so much for letting us stop by and grab these images!
Then it was time for the ceremony, and while the girls walked down the aisle a very confused looking Anson (Jesika’s brother) appeared without the bride. Evan admitted later that he was a little concerned that Jesika wasn’t where she was supposed to be…
However, Jesika had an even more grand entrance, through the bush above she appeared, and Anson quickly ran up the hill to walk the bride to her groom.
That moment as they arrive and all of the emotions of the day overwhelm them (and, ahem, me!) The oldest daughter and the oldest son, while Dad wasn’t there to do the honours, this is still a very very special memory.
The ceremony was held at Fairfield House in Nelson.
Sometimes the wedding ring doesn’t go on as easily as one might expect!
And then, Evan, you may kiss your beautiful wife!
This has got to be one of my favourite photos of the day. All ten of Tim and Raewyn’s children, in a line from youngest to oldest. Priceless!
Emily, our increasingly talented daughter, was our assistant and while lugging around all of our gear she managed to capture this. Good job Emily, good job!
The back of Jesika’s dress was as stunning as the front!
Then, as the sun had set, we all headed inside where there was the most delicious Koru shaped cheese cakes to greet us!
And then it was time for Raewyn’s speech. It was time to reveal the twist that even most of Jesika and Evan’s closest friends had no idea about. This was not, in fact, their wedding day. They were actually married a year ago to the day on their farm out at Port Ligar.
One year ago Tim, Jesika’s Dad, actually walked his girl down the aisle and gave her away to be married to Evan in a secret ceremony with only their closest family. Of course there was no way of knowing what the year ahead would hold, and how very important that decision was going to be, but one year on and as those in the room came to realise exactly what it meant their wedding video was played on a screen for all to see.
Both tears and laughter as they watched an amazing wedding held high on the hills overlooking the ocean. Tim’s speech about how much he loves his daughter. Their wedding day was going to be the last time she saw her Dad. But he was there for it, and now we could all share in the secret. And that made me cry. Again.
Turns out that Evan and Jesika are amazing dancers, and they wowed everyone with a wedding dance fit for one of those dancing TV programs!
Beautiful Raewyn!
Roger Neame rocked the night away with his great DJing skills and fantastic voice. You know one of those ‘fit for the radio’ kind of voices? It’s kind of like when someone has a great accent and you want to ask them to speak just so you can listen? Well, it’s sort of like that!
And rings on a crayfish. It seemed like a fun and interesting way to bring the ocean back into the images!
Evan and Jesika, it was an absolute honour to be able to share in your day with you. We wish you guys all the very best, and even though you’ve already been married for a year (I know, it’s kind of trippy!) we’re sure that you’re just as much ‘newly weds’ as you were a year ago!
Vendor Shoutout
Officiant: Paul Crump
Venue: Fairfield House
Dress: Elizabeth Wenborn Bridal Design, Rangiora
Florist: Bluebell Florist, Richmond
Hair: Renaissance Organic Hair Salon, Nelson
Makeup: Julia, Amanda & Bedelia @ Nelson Beauty Therapy
Catering: Amanda Harris
Cake & Cake Board: Phillipa & Pat Ashton
DJ: Roger Neame, Audio Entertainment, Nelson
Wedding Accommodation for bridal party and guests: Arrow Motel Apartments, Nelson
Wow this is so beautiful guys. Congradulations Jesika & Evan, we are very happy for you. Such amazing photos with a gorgeous story line. Tim will be smiling on you. with love the Blenheim Couper Clan xxx
Gorgeous photos Jesika Bester and Evan…just amazing!!
I couldn’t see half of them for the tears! Just beautiful.
What a beautiful photograph record of a very special day !! I felt very privileged to be there.
Jesika you have grown to be an amazing and stunning young woman, this post tears at the heartstrings all the way through and to know that your dear Dad had actually had the honour of escorting you down the aisle on your actual wedding day and you can carry that memory with you forever is such comfort. Congratulations to you both and to the other Jessica your work is beautiful.
quite speechless and oh so lovely…. eons on happiness guys
Awesome photos! What a beautiful day captured in these pictures. Great to see all the kids lined up!
Whow, Whow & whow, Stunning & Awesome, & Wonderful & happy Tears of you for your both..Thank you for Sharing your beautiful day with me, I really felt like I was there, There are so many timeless pictures of you both. Your Dad was there too for sure,. Miss you heaps, cant wait to catch up when you get back!! Sending lots of Arohanui xxxx
Oh Raewyn these are beautiful.The day has been captured perfectly.x
What a beautiful wedding. Congratulations to the newlyweds! Gorgeous photos for their memory book.
Jesika and Evan, What a day!!!! and to complete the journey of your ‘wedding days’…. Beautiful beautiful dress! Evan you are a lucky man to have married into such an awesome family
Beautiful photos! Wow they just look fantastic! We look forward to catching up sometime down in Melbourne!