Time flies. Have you noticed? Nearly three years ago this was me. This moment with my gorgeous Charlotte, only an hour or two old, is probably one of my favourite images of all time. Not because it’s artistically brilliant, but in that moment, right there, I was in another realm of happiness, and this image reminds me of that every time I look at it. Time sped, and that tiny little girl grew quickly.
Same tiny girl, not quite so squishy anymore and who sometimes confuses which brush is for what purpose, still makes my heart sing. Only 18 months on from the previous image, and look at how much has changed. Every moment they’re learning, growing, and experiencing life. I cheer on their developments, I applaud every new achievement, and yet, these images are a time capsule for me. They transport me back to some of the most precious moments of my life. They are worth more to me than the family silver.
Now, I didn’t come here to brag about how gorgeous my babies are (ok, well, maybe a little bit). I wanted to tell you that I’m going to be offering family/children portrait sessions for the months of June and July. You’ll know that we don’t usually shoot portraits anymore, simply because weddings are pretty well all consuming over the Summer period, so this is rather out of the ordinary.
I want to capture your family and children and the beautiful stages that they are in now. Don’t wait to loose those extra 5kg, or when the baby can walk, or when your toddler will follow instructions, because before you know it time has flown by. Sessions can be in your own home capturing the essence of your family at home, or outdoors where we can go run around and have some fun.
If you’re keen to get more information, drop us an email at: info@jessicajones.co.nz and we’ll send you our prices and information. The photography session is $175, and packages for prints and canvases start at $300, with the $735 package setting you up for Christmas.
There will only be a limited amount of sessions available, and only in June and July.
aaaaaah Jess! That SUCKS we are so far away! We have just been putting up our photos and would so LOVE some recent ones :o( waah! You are amazing and your photos are also amazing and I’m sure you will be booked up in no time!