I’m so grateful. Like really REALLY grateful. For you. For those of you who repeatedly come back to look at our blog, for my brides and grooms who email and book, and for being sweet and crazy and beautiful and doing all of the crazy stuff we ask you to do. Thank you. Without you guys I’d still be taking my camera with me when I go to buy milk, on the off chance that something amazing might happen that I could take a photo of – for real, that was me a decade ago.
Summer 2011/2012 has been our most exciting season yet and I can hardly believe that it’s over for another year, it went by so quickly!
SO BRING ON 2012/2013!
Next season is almost full. I know that there are still plenty of brides and grooms who haven’t yet booked their wedding suppliers, or perhaps haven’t even set a date. So here’s a little update on how things are looking on our calendar as of this moment:
November 2012 to March 2013 – the only Saturdays available at this moment are January 19th, February 2nd and March 30th. There is the odd Friday available, but they’re becoming harder to come by too. If you want the pickings of the dates, think either Spring or Autumn.
It’s shaping up to be a really awesome season! We’ve got some gorgeous couples, and starting in September it’s all on again!
In the meantime – don’t forget we’re offering portraits for June and July, so before things get all weddingy around here again, drop us an email info@jessicajones.co.nz and get that portrait session booked!
that’s not surprising… you’re pretty fabulous! Well done! x
I so wish that I lived close enough to get a family portrait!