I often think of our brides and grooms the same way I think of having kids. (stay with me now, it’s not as weird as it seems!) You see, when you’ve got one child, you can’t possibly imagine liking another one as much as you like your current child. In fact, you almost don’t want more because you’re worried you just got lucky with the one you’ve got and you simply CAN’T love another one as much. But then you have another one, and you like it just as much, and your heart grows just a bit more. THEN you worry about having more, because, well, the two you have are nice and having another one seems, well, odd. Turns out that my life has proven that you can have six children and love each as much as the last one (now that I’ve proven my point to myself, we’re stopping at 6!)
I find my couples are like that. We email and occasionally chat on the phone, and then, one day we meet and have an E Session and I hear all about their story and get all excited about their upcoming wedding. And then we’re friends. We’re trying crazy stuff and laughing about how Brooke just about got soaked by a wave and I’m learning a bit about what an immunologist does. I even get to ask her about some of my conspiracy theories. I find out how their story began and before long the sun is setting and there is a FULL MOON just begging us for a couple of final shots.
E Sessions (or prewedding shoots if it’s just before the wedding!) are more than just a time to get photos. It’s about us getting to know each other. It’s about learning how the couple interact with each other and with us. It’s about picking up their vibe and finding out WHO they are and what they like. It also gives us a chance to take more photos, and goodness knows we LOVE to take photos!
Fully awesome SUPER HERO series here. Kevin totally saved the day, and Brooke’s shoes from getting soaked!
Paul wanted to do some playing with the flashes, so while he was setting up the camera for the light and the colour I grabbed this shot. Gotta love how these three can just WORK IT at a split second’s notice!
Brooke – you are simply stunning!
And Kevin you’re pretty studly yourself!
And together you’re pretty darn cute!
Hello there FULL moon! You guys look fierce!
Thanks Brooke and Kevin for letting us play and for growing our hearts just that little bit more. See you in SPRING!