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Joanne and Ian – Engaged!

It was a setup by a mutual friend, but neither of them knew it at the time.  It didn’t take long though, once Joanne and Ian got to know each other, love blossomed! 

Joanne and Ian live in separate towns, Joanne in Wellington and Ian lives in Christchurch.  Long distance relationships can be hard work when you have to travel every second weekend to spend time together.  But what is that old saying?  Absence makes the heart grow fonder.  And it won’t be long, soon enough they will be living in the same city as husband and wife!



Ian has just completed seven years of study to become a Chartered Accountant.  Seriously!  SEVEN YEARS!  That’s commitment for you and a thoroughly awesome achievement!



Beautiful Joanne is not the slightest bit afraid of the camera.  She was an absolute joy to photograph.  She said it goes way back to the days of self portraits in the bathroom with her friends.  The light in a bathroom is usually pretty good!  So mothers, please note, if your teenage daughter spends a generous amount of time taking photos of herself – let it go.  Some photographer, somewhere down the track, is going to thank you for it!




Joanne had told me that she loves colour.  So I knew exactly where there were some gorgeous orange wildflowers!



Ian proposed to Joanne on a weekend away together.  It was absolutely pouring with rain the whole weekend, except for a small window of time and Ian seized the opportunity, took Joanne up a hill, got down on one knee and proposed.  The experience left him with one soggy knee, and also a fiancé!




We had a little bit of time before Joanne and Ian had to get to the airport, so I asked if they had any ideas about where they might like to go.  “What about your tree?”  I almost wanted to hug Joanne.  Of course!  The TREE!!


Apparently Ian is quite a mover on the dance floor, he showed me some of his moves.  Yep Ian.  You tha man!




Thank you so much Joanne and Ian for coming to see us during your weekend together.  I’m so looking forward to the wedding!  See you in a few months!

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