“Mummy, can we keep him?” It’s all about family with Natalie, so when she finally let Max meet Sean, his reaction couldn’t have been better. And keep him they did. So next month they’re getting married. On a boat. And we’re going to be there!
You know those stories where boy sees girl across a crowded room, and birds sing and love starts? Well the first time they met was nothing like that. Natalie, an events manager, was sent to settle a rowdy table down at a function one evening. Sean was on that table and didn’t settle nearly enough for Natalie’s liking. Not quite love at first sight. It wasn’t until they met again months later that a friendship formed. It just goes to show, you just never know who’s around the corner. Always wear your prettiest smile, even if you have to call security.
Ya just gotta watch those waves!
If I had a dollar for every man that doesn’t like having his photo taken, I’d be able to buy myself coffee. In France. While on an around the world trip. First class. Approximately 89.2% of guys are just not into getting their picture taken. But it’s just one more step along the way to get the girl. And actually, when you just run with it, it’s actually kinda fun!
One day these window panes are going to finally fall off, and I, for one, will be very sad when they do!
This is Natalie’s come hither look. She’s got it down!
Sean’s a great guy. He set up the proposal with young Max, ‘finding’ the ring on the side of the road he then turned to Natalie to ask her to marry him. I love how it’s all about family.
Thanks so much, Sean and Natalie, for the fun. Thanks Sean for going along with it, and Natalie for laughing at my jokes! See you in a few weeks. It’s going to be GREAT!