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Kate and John – Engaged!

They were just friends who knew each other through their shared love for stock cars.  Kate loved racing, and was pretty darn good at it when suddenly she found herself in need of a car.  John said he’d buy her one.  She didn’t believe him.  I mean, they were just friends, why would he?  It was only days later that he proved her wrong and bought her a car.  Just like that.


Clearly she saw that this guy was a keeper.  And before long, his work was done and they were an item.  



Kate and John had wanted to go to the beach for their E Session, but as we were driving towards Rarangi we saw the weather start to close in.  Some quick thinking on Kate’s part led us in the opposite direction and the hunt for a perfect spot was on!

All three of us saw the paddock and the beautiful farm that lay behind it, we all pretty much sighed in unison.  I drove past slowly.  The man on the tractor didn’t look up, smile and beckon to us to stop the car and come on his land to take photos, like I was wishing he would.  He just carried on tractoring, completely oblivious to us longing for his farm.  I stopped the car, and plucked up the courage to go talk to him.  Thankfully he was totally fine with letting us go onto his land.  And what lay beyond that paddock?  Awesomeness, that’s what! 


Apparently they don’t usually let people go on to take photos, we found out later, which made us even more super grateful for the opportunity! 



Kate and John are such a cute, fun couple.  Easily bossed around by me, and totally into each other.  Bliss! 


Kate loves gates, which is lucky, because there were some pretty funky looking gates on the farm.


She also loves John, so that’s like a double bonus!


It’s spring, and the grapevines are finally doing their thing again. 




Kate was telling me about a fitness Bootcamp she had just finished.  She said it was fun and increased her fitness level heaps.  I like fun, AND I need to get fit.  So guess what I went and did?  I signed up.  For bootcamp.  Somebody hold me. 




This was John’s idea.  I like it when guys have ideas, it’s always fun.



So this experience with this uber cool farm leads me to a question.  Do you know of somewhere in Marlborough, that’s way cool and not generally seen by the public?  If so, please please drop me a note, I’d love to hear about it! 

Kate and John, you guys are super.  I can’t wait to spend more time with you!  See you soon!

5 thoughts on “Kate and John – Engaged!

  1. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! Kate and John you look amazing, so many great shots 🙂

  2. great photos guys love it

  3. Awesome photos. Some really great shots.

  4. congrates john and kate beautiful photos guys.

  5. Just love the photos.

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