Leanne makes beautiful things.
Her most beautiful creation so far is Kobe.
When we first met Kobe he was a brand new squishy newborn. It’s hard to believe it’s been six months. But it has, and my my what a cute little man he is becoming!
But as yummy as this baby is, this post is not actually about him.
Or Aaron, for that matter, as nice as he is.
It’s not about Kobe’s cute-as-anything smile.
Or his puzzled and slightly grouchy face at the crazy woman with the camera making the strangest animal noises you ever did hear.
It’s not about how cute he is when he cries.
No, this post is about Leanne. Leanne who makes beautiful things.
Leanne runs Vanilla Hayes, and she makes this:
and has ideas like this:
So, when I started feeling overwhelmed with life recently and started stripping back all nonessential activities, I began rethinking the way we do our Queensberry Albums. I’m all for delegating if someone can do the job better, prettier and faster than I can. So we proceeded to woo her one evening with chocolate and treats, and pitched the idea that she might want to become our design department. We didn’t have to try too hard, she was in!
The following week she brought us homemade muffins (one for each member of our very large family!) and we were truly wooed in return.
So we now excitedly announce that Leanne, from Vanilla Hayes, who makes beautiful things, will now be designing our Queensberry Albums. When she agreed to do it for us, I felt a HUGE weight go off my shoulders. I don’t even mind saying that I DID dance a little jig. So when you order your Queensberry Album from us, it is Leanne who will be sharing her amazing talent with you. For this I am extremely grateful.
She will continue creating invitations, seating plans and all thing wonderful for your wedding, baby shower or party, so if you’re wanting something custom made for you, don’t waste anymore time. Drop her an email! Go and like her facebook site too. Share the love.
Ok, so let’s be honest. This post was kinda about Kobe too?.. and why not. Just LOOK at him!
I’m rather envious that you’re the photographer for this gorgeous little family and will be working with my lovely friend Leanne… she is super talented and I’m sure she’ll do an awesome job on your albums! xox
Kobe = SQUEEZABLE CUTE!!! & Jess & Paul + Leanne = DREAM TEAM !!!