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Pip and Dave – stylishly MARRIED!

Pip and Dave exude the kind of style I only wish I had.  Where I flap and squeal and scrunch my face into all sorts of unhuman expressions, Pip and Dave smile kindly, introduce sincerely, stand tall and beautifully and are so darn stylish

When Pip was showing us around their grounds the day before the wedding, I knew that this was going to be one of those weddings, you know, the ones where anywhere you point the camera at would be beautiful.  Pip had everything perfectly planned, I knew that all we had to do was turn up, shoot and enjoy.


Paul was with the guys while they got ready.  Everything about this wedding was of a beautiful quality, even the light.  How did they manage that?  I have no idea.


Pip smiled all day long. 


Pip’s Dad’s reaction to seeing his little girl as a bride.  Gotta love it.


And what a beautiful bride she is!


Grand arrival.



Could Dave look more pleased with his bride?  I don’t think so!


This is the most ‘approving sister’ look I’ve ever seen.


I love how the girls were wearing white too.  So perfect!



Married!  YUS!



Then off to get some portraits in the gardens.




This is Bruno, their baby.  He was wearing a special black and white bandana for the occasion.  So so cute.



Then there was a mini airshow organised by Pip’s dad.  I kid you not!  Especially for Pip and Dave.  So awesome!


It was the perfect day for a garden party.  Warm and still and full of beautiful happy people.  Yup, my kind of day!


Dave’s Mum and Dad created this garden over the last ten years.  It’s been a real labour of love, and it’s absolutely beautiful!  The perfect place for a garden party!



Pip and Dave, thank you so very much for being a ray of sunshine in my week.  You are a beautiful couple and I can’t wait to show you the rest of the photos!

Vendor Shoutout:

Celebrant: Peter Minson, Nativity

Hair & Makeup: Deirdre, Locks & Lashes

Dress: Kate Dowman

Caterer: Janet Enright and Vicki Young – Bon Vivant

Marquee: Karen Solomon, Hirepool Blenheim

1 thought on “Pip and Dave – stylishly MARRIED!

  1. Pip and Dave
    Thank you for choosing us to cater for you on your big day, and a big day it was. Your organisational skills helped to make our job so much easier and on the day you were so relaxed. Fabulous wedding, fabulous people

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