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Emma and Paul – Very nearly almost Married!

I’m so spoiled, you know.  I didn’t realise this planet could grow so many lovely people, and that so many of them would find themselves hiring me as their photographer.  Next weekend Paul and Emma get married, and they belong to the group of lovely people I speak of. 


This is Phoenix and Finlay.  I told them to sit nice and close, and even cuddle.  This is exactly the reaction I was expecting.  boy GERMS!


Phoenix belongs to Emma.  I have no idea how she stays looking this young.  I even asked her about her skincare regime.  For real.


Finlay belongs to Paul.  Some seriously amazing genes going on there.


I offered to take them home with me, maybe I could keep them?  But they seemed happy to stay in their own family.  Ah well. 


Look at them.  Just look at how beautiful they are.  As someone on facebook said – it looks like I picked them out of catalogue.


Emma is a preschool teacher.  It takes a special kind of person to do a job like that.


I don’t really need to point out how pretty this wedding is going to be, do I?


This is Ayla, Emma’s doggie.  She didn’t want to be left out.


I was a little worried about the weather, I really should just learn to let it go.  Couldn’t have been better.


Beautiful, beautiful people.


Emma and Paul are getting married on the beach.  Oh yeah!!



Paul and Emma – I can’t wait for next weekend.  It’s going to be beyond gorgeous.  See you soon!

1 thought on “Emma and Paul – Very nearly almost Married!

  1. These are all so lovely and natural, and what a good looking couple. Looking forward to seeing the wedding photos!!

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