I am greeted by the most gorgeously decorated house, everything was perfectly in it’s place as Leanne glides down the hallway to greet me. You look amazing! I gasp, realising that she had a baby only the week before. She shows me to Kobe’s basinet as I peak down and gasp again. I’m such a girl when it comes to babies. Well I’m SORRY but I had to have a cuddle, right there and then. From Kobe that is.
Awww, just look at him!
Kobe’s Dad, Aaron, is a builder, and I just love the contrast between the rough man hands and the brand new baby feet.
Mummy loved this hat. Daddy not quite so much. I think Kobe tends to side with Daddy on this one.
See? What a cute little family!
This next series has every mother sighing deeply. This is exactly why I wanted to have so many babies. Moments like this.
Baby lips. And fat, fat cheeks. What’s not to love?
Sorry Kobe, prepare yourself for a lifetime of Mummy kisses. That’s just how it has to be.
Leanne and Aaron, HUGE congratulations on your most spectacular boy. You guys did good. Real good.
ooooo….. soooooooooo cute! I’m so jealous it wasn’t ME that got to do this shoot! He’s beautiful.
that is the cutest pics ive seen (beside your kiddies ones and family that is) but no truelly Jess they are soo ridicullously awesome..how cute. made me clucky all over again… is that wrong or what. 🙂
Scrumptiousness! the perfect word!! He is so gorgeous Leanne, and such fabulous photos!! You all look so happy!…
Just wonderful
awwwwwwwww my nephew Kobe you’re the tootest wee chubbalubb 🙂 Jess you’ve done awesome pics for my sister -thanks 🙂