Young, softly spoken and gorgeous. I met Jenna this afternoon, and we got on right away. She turns 21 soon, and so this photo shoot serves as a beautiful wee time capsule for both her and her family.
I saw the cherry orchard in bloom on the way to Jenna’s house. Quickly pulling over to the side of the road, I sent some messages off to the appropriate people, and before we knew it, we had our permission and we were in! Yes!
We were told to watch the bees as they’re very active at the moment. Well, they weren’t kidding! This was just one lot huddled together on a branch. I have no idea what the attraction was right there, but they seemed keen to hang out there.
Bees have got to be the cutest, most amazing little creature! (sooooo glad I didn’t get stung while taking their photo!)
This is Jenna and her horse Maisie. They’ve been great friends for six years.
See, I told you she was gorgeous!
I’m pretty sure she surprised herself with her ‘working it’ abilities.
Hair and makeup thanks to Deirdre at Locks and Lashes. Awesome job as always Deirdre!
Beautiful eyes!
Hello beautiful light!
Jenna, thanks so very much for hanging out with me this afternoon. I had such fun with you! Can’t wait to show you the rest of the images!