She looks at Mark and smiles. She smiles a lot. “He stamped in a puddle and splashed me the other day! Like this!” She shows me how the offence occurred.
He giggles.
“No one has done that to me since school!” she laughs. I assured her that that’s how boys show girls they like them.
To say that Mark and Lisa suit each other would be a tragic understatement. They belong together, pure and simple.
Mark makes Lisa laugh, Lisa makes Mark spend 2 hours getting their photos taken. I don’t know where the time went, it flew past so quick, so at least I know that I was having fun!
Oh yes, this amazing-as-anything location? Provided by Deirdre from Locks and Lashes. Not only did she make Lisa look like a Hollywood film star, but she let us use her AMAZING property for the shoot! Thanks Deirdre!
Add in a little bit of lovin’…
A bucket load of laughs…
And I think we’ve found the perfect combination!
Stunning, hu?!
And Mark scrubbed up pretty well too!
I love the way Mark looks at Lisa.
And the way he makes her laugh.
Often kisses don’t look all that gorgeous close up like this, but what do you know? Lovely!
Loving this location!
Mark and Lisa – thanks for today! I can’t even tell you how excited I am that we’re photographing your wedding! It’s going to be such a fun day! For those facebookers, there’s more pics over here.