I have the best job in the world. Really, I do. (Well perhaps short of being an official chocolate taster for some expensive Swiss chocolate company.) Families let me into their lives to record a moment of their history, whether it be a wedding or a newborn, or just because. It’s a time capsule, and it’s a privilege.
I first met Melissa and Kaiser a few months back. Since then Melissa asked me to come and photograph her lovely family at her Grandad’s house, as he hasn’t been very well, and so I was able to capture some memories for them.
Check out Kaiser’s cute-as-anything smile.
I love this one, I love it a lot.
Becky and Melissa having a laugh with Mum.
Melissa had baked the most scrumptious afternoon tea, she’s a girl of many talents I tell you!
Thanks so much for allowing me to capture your lovely family! May you create many more happy memories together!