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Marlborough Scenic Photos

We were watching tv the other night, and this particular show featured a lot of New York City.  I know there are die hard New York fans out there, but I had culture shock just imagining myself surrounded by all that concrete, flashing lights, and the hustle and bustle of the city.  Now, you’ve got to remember that we don’t even have traffic lights in Blenheim, so it’s quite a different scene to what I wake up to every morning. 

We got to chatting, Paul and I, about how beautiful a place we really do live in.  How different it is to the city.  I can see why so many of our wedding couples come from out to town to enjoy our peace and quiet.

Paul spent several hours up the Wither Hills this week, photographing some land for Bayleys.  I love these shots!

Looking towards Blenheim from the top of the farm park:


Sheep clones.  I always wonder how they recognise each other?  To me, they’re all the same. 


I just like all the lines in this shot.  Beautiful light too…


On the south side of the Wither Hills – looking west.  There is SO much land out there – such a beautiful spot.


It was so incredibly clear looking over to the North Island.


Finally – A little bit of green!


More pics on FACEBOOK.  But of course, you already knew that if you were a ‘liker’ of my page….

In other news:

We survived the Half Marathon!  I had two goals, the first one was to finish – which we did.  The second was to come anywhere but last – which we also did!  So considering those two things, I’m quite happy, even coming in at 500th place!  Definitely planning on training a little better next time though…

One thing I did learn though, is that the saying “slow and steady wins the race” is not necessarily true.  I went slow and steady, and I came 500th.  My brother-in-law went really fast, and he came first. 

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