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The Herrmann Family

If ever I had to be adopted out to another family (which is rather unlikely I’m thinking), I think I might like to choose this one.  It could be the cute American accents sucking me in again, but I think it’s more the way that they really seem to adore each other.

This is Steve and Rachel:


And their two gorgeous kids, Grant and Chloe.


They’re over here in New Zealand for six months while Steve helps us design some awesome plane (by ‘us’ I mean NZ, not necessarily me as such!)  Only one month to go and they’ll be leaving us again.


I promise you, you’ve never met friendlier kids.  And I danced a little silent jig when I heard that they were homeschooling them while they are over here in New Zealand.  Not because I’m embarrassed by our schools, but more so that I’m always so pleased to come across nice, well adjusted homeschooling kids – seeings we ourselves homeschool ours.  They weren’t wearing socks and sandals, or rocking in a corner or anything!


I’m pretty sure they’re keen to get home in the US though, and back to their school and friends!


Total gorgeousness!  Chloe knew how to work it.





Ya just gotta love this one as a Dad, don’t you?


The roses are out right now at Pollard Park and looking so pretty.


I had so much fun with you guys, thanks for playing along!  I can’t wait to show you the rest!

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