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Jenkins Family

It was a little more than fifty years ago, and she made the first move, well, so I was told.  Daphne quite liked the look of that young man, and was rather determined to go out with him.


It wasn’t long before the two fell in love, got married and had children.


Del is an incredibly talented man.  Before I even met him, I fell in love with his handy work!  I pointed at the bench seat he had created “These are marvellous!” I exclaimed as he came out to meet me.  “Oh, I don’t know about that.  I needed a seat, so I made a seat.” He shrugged off my compliment as if everyone could just whip one of these things up.  His children all attested to his amazing talent, and showed me carvings and all sorts of fantastic ideas he’s had along the way.


The Jenkins family got together for their 50th anniversary and the gathering was large, and warm and there were a lot of laughs shared between a family that hadn’t been all together for several years.  Here are some photos of just a small slice of that family, the love they have for each other, and the FUN they have together!

Evan and Marie:


And their two children Corey and Tanya.




I love how these two interact!


Father and son:


Tanya and Franz.  Loving the gorgeous light down at Karaka Point in Waikawa!


Corey and Gemma.


And just because it’s about time I posted one of these again!


It was so lovely to see a family getting together and enjoying each other’s company!  Thanks so much for inviting me over for the morning!

2 thoughts on “Jenkins Family

  1. Once again Jess, lovely photos!!

  2. Jess, I need to comment here as well as FB! I think these photos are AMAZING! I seriously LOVE them. Can’t wait to see more. Also, I’m a regular visitor to your blog and gee is it weird to see myself on it!! (Weird but cool in a world-famous-on-jessica-jones way) 🙂

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