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Count Your Blessings…

We have a really old car.  It’s really getting past it’s used by date.  In fact, we feel like we’ve won the lotto every time it passes a Warrant of Fitness.  It’s really turned into a bit of a joke now, when we turn up to jobs in it.  And yet we can’t bare to spend thousands to replace it just yet, especially when a second 5D Mark II would be so much more fun to have.  One day it will just stop going, and then our hand will be forced, but in the meantime, I’m turning up to your photo shoot in the dusty old Bluebird…

It got me to thinking though, it’s so easy to become dissatisfied with life.  Always wanting to ‘Keep up with the Joneses’ (for the record, those Joneses must be another family!) and get bigger and better things.  When the things that are really important are not things at all. 

“Count your blessings name them one by one, count your blessings see what God has done.  Count your blessings, name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord has done.”  (hands up, who remembers that old song?)

So here are just some of my blessings, growing up before my very eyes.

Sophie is about to turn 3.


With her baby sister Charlotte, about 9 months (give or take…)  I know it’s a little soft focus, but hey, I’m the Mum, so it’s perfect to me!



Charlotte has teeth…


She always has that surprised look on her face!



Sam – the only boy.




Is it just me, or are my kids cuter than anybody else’s?  I’m pretty sure they are.  Sorry y’all.


This is Gracie May Dovalaki Van Der Pepper Jones. (yes, that’s her real name)  She’s mostly a blessing…. mostly.


There are still a couple of kids not in this post… older ones that aren’t in a big hurry to pose, ha!

So there you have it, a quick update on my quickly growing brood. 

3 thoughts on “Count Your Blessings…

  1. I agree Jess, it’s way to easy to always be wanting more… good to keep ourselves in check and thank God for what we do have 🙂

  2. I saw your Facebook comment bout people not writing on your blog. This is my fav blog in ages… Gorgia’s photo is my fav! Followed by Sophie emerging from the leaves! Pure Gold! This is exactly why I wanted you for my Wedding… your work gives me goosebumps and butterflys in my chest! Fabulous!

  3. Jess, every time I see photos of your kids I want to cry. They are beautiful!! Love your work 😉

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