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Vaughan and Nicola – Married!

Man, I have a cool job.  Like, a reeeeally cool job.  I get to hang out with beautiful people, on one of the happiest days of their life.  I get to stay with them, about five paces away, and just capture their day unfolding in front of them.  Amazing.  Don’t get me wrong, there is some work going on too, as only about 15-20% of my job is actually holding the camera.  But weddings like yesterday make all the background work worthwhile.

Vaughan and Nicola… what a perfect day!  Not only did they totally adore each other, which makes taking photos so easy, but they picked the most FUN bridal party I have ever been with.  At the end of the day I asked Vaughan and Nicola if they would consider hiring them out to other couples.

Nicola was gorgeous before she even got into her wedding dress.


Ok, so someone slap me.  I have totally forgotten this little girl’s name.  But with or without a name, this photo of her and her Granddad is just gorgeous.


This must be every little girl’s dream.


Meanwhile, Paul was at Spy Valley Wines with the guys….


While they waited for everyone to arrive….


Ah, yes.  Here they are!


This is just as Nicola is about to walk down to see her groom for the first time. 


Dad gives her away, while Vaughan watches.  Don’t just quickly skip past this one!  Really look at it.  Maybe it’s just the memories of when my Dad gave me away, but this right here is one of those moments.  You know.  THOSE moments. 



Mum and Dad.  Sigh.  See?  I told you this day was perfect!


This is Daisy, one of the bridesmaids.  Fantastic violinist, and a lovely friend to Nicola.


This is Fran (remember, Scarlett’s Dad?) He made the formal family photos so much fun!  Someone had given him the mic, and before we knew it, it was (in his best airline announcing voice) “Bing Bong, would all the Hoopers come to the photo taking area please?  All the Hoopers….” 


Then off to a wee lake.  This is where the day gets really fun.


The under the veil shot? 


The bridal party had seen it all before….


Paul on the left there is a brand new Dad.  His wife had a baby only two days ago.  No wonder he’s smiling so big!



Fran and Liz, you look great!




*Oh my gosh* these two are just so cute together!


You only have a veil like this for one day of your life.  Are you just going to drag it around, or are you going to have some FUN with it?  Limbo, anyone?





Vaughan and Nicola, thank you both so very much for including us in your day.  It was our absolute pleasure to share it with you.

Vendor Shoutout:

Hair and makeup: Arthur Devine

Dressmaker: Bernadette Thomas

Ceremony and Reception Venue: Spy Valley Wines

Fowers: Flowertime

Food/Catering: Posh Nosh

1 thought on “Vaughan and Nicola – Married!

  1. Absolutely awesome.
    Congratulations Nicola & Vaughan, gosh I remember Nicola when she was just a wee dot in her kilt ready for dancing competitions.

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