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Kerri and Jason

Meet Kerri and Jason.  They’re coming back to New Zealand to get married next year, but for now they live in beautiful Australia.  You know, I’m an Aussie.  And whenever I make any kind of mention about liking the idea of moving back over there people shriek  with fear about the spiders and snakes and all manner of nature’s beasts that will kill you while you sleep.  Sigh.  Sure, New Zealand doesn’t have anything deadly (holding back any political comments here….) but I think it’s made New Zealanders a bit soft. 

Anyway, I digress again!


Jason is a keen amateur photographer himself, and when someone knows a thing or two about photography, I always get a bit nervous!  Not to worry, he was absolutely fine (holding back any Nikon comments….)


They’re so cute together!


I know, I KNOW it’s the tree.  But COME ON.  When I find a cooler tree, I’ll ditch this one.



Oh yeah, the sky played along!



And I’ve saved my favourite for last!


I had a great time with you guys – can’t wait for the wedding next year!  In the meantime, stay safe and don’t step on any snakes!

4 thoughts on “Kerri and Jason

  1. You’re right about this one Jess, it bought tears to my eyes. Don’t laugh, but it’s a shot full of emotion I think.

  2. Fabulous Jess!! Just awes. oxoxoxoo

  3. HOLY crap Jess, that last one is to DIE for!!!! Fabulous!!!

  4. I think i went to school with this girl?

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