Met Nicola and Vaughan:
These guys are a super cute couple who are getting married in March. I first met them about a year ago when they were planning their wedding which still seemed so far away. They walked back into my office the other day, and I couldn’t believe that a whole year had passed!
Anyway – Nicola had seen the Japanese Gardens on the blog, and quite liked the idea of that – so off we went! For those who don’t know where they are, they’re up the end of Howick Rd. Not a whole lot of people know about it, well so it seems anyway. There’s a big cage with cardboard in it that the kids use to go scooting down the hill. Very fun.
How cute are they!
Nicola is a doctor and in the process becoming an anesthetist – such a cool job!
This is THE TREE. I know – I feature it a lot. I love the tree. It’s worth the trip up the hill to get there.
I can’t wait for your wedding Nicola and Vaughan, it’s going to be spectacular!