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Aaron & Ruth – what a fun afternoon!

This weekend we’ve been lucky enough to have Paul’s cousin Ruth and her gorgeous family staying in Blenheim.  Of course, we couldn’t let the opportunity go without a photoshoot!

So this afternoon I packed up my six kids, and took them to Nana and Grandad’s.  It was no small task getting everything ready all by myself, as Paul is away at an AIPA conference right now.  Nonetheless, I thought I was doing remarkably well….. until….. I discovered I was wearing odd shoes.  I kid you not.  Sure they were both black, but they were different heights!  It’s quite a skill to not notice that for half an hour!

Anyway – if my pictures are on a slight lean, you know why.

First up, we went to the blue wall.  I asked “Who’s going to do the best jump for me?”  And this was the response:

I’m pretty sure Aaron won that one!  He’s got some mad jumping skills!

This is Sam, and believe it or not, this shot was his idea!

Alyssa is the picture of her Mum, what a cutie!

I don’t know why I always like to do a ‘feet shot’.  It’s just part of what I do, I even did it this week on a commercial shoot, I just can’t resist!  As Paul says, “the head part of the body is so over rated!”  I’m loving the sign on this one:

Who’s doing the meanest face, do you think?

Then off to the park so that the kids could get some playing done!  In the meantime, I got some lovely pictures of just Ruth and Aaron.

Can you believe that Ruth doesn’t think she’s photogenic?!

I think even Aaron surprised himself, to be honest.

These guys are such a lovely couple, really warm and loving.  I totally wish they lived closer!

Check out the ‘That’s my Dad!’ look on Sam’s face.  Too cute!

Ok – that’s me for now!  I’ve got a big month lined up, no weddings, but a whole bunch of family shoots to do.  I might even throw in a trash the dress for good measure!  Don’t forget you can stay a little more up to date with the goings on at our place by joining me on facebook!

1 thought on “Aaron & Ruth – what a fun afternoon!

  1. Jess these photos are lovely!! Nice work.

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