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Lisa + Chris = Married!

Well, I was right again!  Lisa looked absolutely beautiful yesterday!  Her dress was so magnificent, perfect for a church wedding!

Hayley and Julia were great bridesmaids…

And gorgeous in their own right!


And for all you detail junkies:

Chris’ Dad shows him how it’s done.

Greeting the wedding guests as they arrive at the church.

I LOVE this photo!  I love how Paul has managed to keep a sense of movement, while Chris had paused for a moment.

And then they arrive!

The first look, how cute!

St Mary’s Church is so photogenic!  Paul snuck up to the balcony to grab this.

And they’re married!  Lisa is just glowing!

I think this may just be my favourite group photo yet!  It was so chilly outside, I couldn’t bare to drag everyone out.  I think that may have been a blessing in disguise.

And then off to have some more photos taken!  Spring in Pollard Park, you just gotta love it!

You know, they’re laughing at me lying on my back on the cold grass.  This must have been the funniest scene to passers by!

And then off to Montana!  It’s the second wedding in a row to go there!  It’s no wonder, it’s a really great place for a reception.

The barrel room was almost empty, but it did mean there was room to play!

The reception has started….

Thanks so much for including us in your special day guys!  It was just lovely, and I can’t wait to show you the rest of the photos! 

In other news:

I have caved to the social pressure of creating our own photography facebook page, so if you’re a facebook type of person – come on over, become a fan and lets hang out!  It’ll be more informal than the blog, with mini updates, before and after pics and it’s easier for us to interact.  Come on over and say hi, you know you want to!

3 thoughts on “Lisa + Chris = Married!

  1. These are just fantastic, we couldn’t have asked for better =) Thank you so much for doing such a wonderful job of our

  2. I love the detail on the dress and the group shot inside.

  3. Hi guys, what a fantastic series of images! I was already impressed with Ben & Alice’s photos and this set shows again your great eye for composing and detail. Top post processing. Just … beautiful ! You guys are brilliant !!

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