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Rhys and PJ – Married!

Saturday was hot and sunny, and the perfect day for a summer wedding!  We had a great time sharing Rhys and PJ’s big day, as did their attendants and guests!

I loved the lace on PJ’s dress.

Cool, calm, and looking beautiful – before she even got into her dress!

Mum gets the finishing touches put on her hair.

Walking down the aisle – could Rhys possibly look any happier to see his bride?  I think not!

I love this shot of Rhys’s parents, sharing the moment of their son’s wedding.

Back in the limo, and MARRIED!

We headed off to Pollard Park were there was some welcome relief from the sun under the trees.

And now that the pressure had come off – the playful side came out!

We always say that too much attention is paid to the head part of the body – this sort of shot always works if you’re having a bad hair day too!

Three sisters.

The girls have a quick pat of Bridget’s rather pregnant belly!

And back at the reception…

There was plenty of fun to be had, lots of singing – and bubbles!

Thanks for inviting us into your day guys – can’t wait to show you the rest 🙂

3 thoughts on “Rhys and PJ – Married!

  1. Wow. These photos are awesome. I can’t get over how much PJ has grown up. It only seems like yesterday that her and her sisters were just the little carmondy clan. How times change.
    Just wanted to say how beautiful everyone looks and I glad they had an awesome day.

    Luv Megan

  2. Rhys and P.J.


    We love your photo’s they are stunning. P.J. you looked beautiful. Even old Ed scrubbed up well. So glad you both had a wonderful day and a good photographer to make the memories of your day even more special.


    Dennis, Chrissy, Jaques, Shane and Wayne – U.K.

  3. Congratulations to all of you on Phillipa’s recent wedding. How terrific to be able to share that special day with you, via the beautiful photos. Everyone appears so grown up! We felt a bit nostalgic after seeing how mature the girls are now. Phillipa looks so lovely and happy and Bridget is positively aglow. Pregnancy obviously agrees with her. Alice and Hillary are beautiful young ladies now, which means we are getting very old! Much happiness to you. We send our love, across the miles, from the USA.
    Judy and Stan

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