I grabbed this shot today while we were at the park for the party, you just got to love reflections, don’t you?
This was my daughter’s piano recital tonight, not so many kids turned up this month. I’m not surprised, because it is dark and freeeezing outside!…

It was my little man’s 7th birthday today. All my children are precious to me, but when Sammy has a birthday I have to shed a little tear. Y’see he was born with a congential heart defect, Transposition of the Great Arteries, and had to have open heart surgery at 7 days old and spend a month in hospital. …

Paul has been from one end of Marlborough to the other for Bayleys in the last few days! From a night shot in the middle of town:
To a helicopter ride that took him right out the Marlborough Sounds. Wanna buy some land in Port Underwood anyone?…

I’ve been photographing the Belchers since well before they had such a big brood. We’ve done quite a bit of stock photography together, and it’s an absolute blast seeing their photos turn up all over the place.
Obviously, I’m into the whole Autumn at the park theme right now, so we toodled off to the park for a play. …

So things have been pretty quiet on the blogging front lately. Not because we’re sitting around twiddling our thumbs (do people even twiddle thumbs anymore? I don’t think I’ve seen anyone do that in years….) but more that Paul has been soooo busy shooting and editing, and there just isn’t enough hours in the day. …
I had the most delicious Mother’s Day yesterday. We took the kids to the park, had a nice play in the Autumn leaves and got some fantastic pictures. Now, if you know me, I despise having my photo taken, it makes me break out into a sweat and pull this funny weirdo face. …

We’ve had this job on the backburner for a little while, and are just processing the photos now. As much as I love Autumn images, it’s such a wonderful thing to be looking at some warmer weather. A fleeting glimpse of the summer just gone….…

So I popped out to the park the other day, with our friends who had extended family over, and wanted some family pics done. The colours at the park right now are gloooorious, I’m busting to get back there and do some more shooting before all the colours are gone! …
Ok, thanks for the condolence letters streaming in but you can all stop panicking now – I have found my keys. They were in the garage door…. sigh. The good news is that no one stole our lawnmower, or maybe they did, and tried to start it, failed, and quickly returned it. …

Paul’s turn to go up in the helicopter for some Marlborough shots. Oh it’s such a hard life 🙂 Nothing like being at 700 feet taking pictures with the door off! Thanks to Ben at Windhawk Helicopters for the fantastic flight and to Glen at Bayleys for the fantastic opportunity. …